I think "Half Right" by Heatmiser is his best song, but this a great list.
I think "Half Right" by Heatmiser is his best song, but this a great list.
Life, Love and Leaving is such a fucking great record.
Well, that combined with the reveal that Littlefinger and Lady Arryn are pretty much behind everything that's happenend. In the show they just kinda casually mention it and it's never brought up again.
Dudley Smith offing Vincennes in L.A. Confidential? I mean Smith is one mean motherfucker, but it is pretty unexpected (it's not in the book either, although anyone who read it would know Vincennes was a dead man the second he confided in Smith.)
I literally gasped, threw the book down, and paced back and forth in shock after reading that part. I usually give the show a lot more slack then others but they fucked that scene up and it really, really upset me.
All arms stayed attached, but all arms are totally getting detached this playthrough.
I think Tales From The Borderlands is my favorite, with Walking Dead Season 1 a close second, Wolf Among Us is a solid three tho.
Wolf Among Us was free on Xbox One, been playing that all week, just finished Episode 5 tonight. I had never read the comics so I came into this blind, but I really, really liked it. My Bigby was very by the books, I held back all my punches and never killed anyone, and kind of regret it after that ending. Now I…
Yea, that Jon Lovitz/Wave of Mutilation scene is my favorite part of the movie.
The gun is his dick!
I'll always like the guy for how great he is in Goon, love that movie.
Any damsel that's in distress/
will be out of that dress/
when she meets Jim West
The only good thing to come out of this movie is that clip of Seann William Scott realizing he is the only cast member that attended the red carpet premiere.
Oh my god, I just realized Lincoln is still carrying Blake Griffins shoe with him.
I remember playing the demo disk for this (I think it came with Brave Fencer Musashi?) and thinking "THIS WILL BE THE BEST FINAL FANTASY EVER." I now cannot remember anything about the game other than the fact that it is bat shit crazy. Come to think of it, this is a frequent thing with me and the Final Fantasy…
It's not even the constant settlement missions that spawn my hatred for him. He's just so. incredibly. boring. Like, dude, can you stop talking about the Minutemen for one fucking second and have a personality? No? Okay then, goodbye forever.
Playing Fallout 4 a lot, starting to really resent all the constant Settlements and building. I'm too lazy to give a shit about it, so it's gotten to the point where most of my settlements are comprised of gigantic piles of beds next to crops of corn. Think I'm just gonna power through the main story and never talk…
Around the Fur is…decent? I don't remember it very much. That's not a very good recommendation is it?
I'll take the heat and say that White Pony is still a pretty fucking great album.
*shakes fist for emphasis*
Shiny, shiny people!