
I’m sure the list you mentioned has bigger fish to fry.

Come on, defacing public/respected property isn’t exclusive to white people, not even disproportionately more so than other races. A white girl tags a mural, and suddenly it’s like wtf whites? She may have been dumb af, you don’t have to follow suit.

Valid point is valid. If people are sitting in jail for doing the exact same thing that other people are now making a cushy living off of, especially a product that the other party laid the groundwork for, that is unconscionable. Restitution must be built into the profit/tax structure. Idk if any other place has

I think your article points to a latent insecurity, that if blacks try to hold other blacks to a higher standard, than it would give whites a leg to stand on when they try to pull actual ‘respectability politics’ bullshit on black people, so it has to be snuffed in it’s infancy regardless the source or intent. It’s

The stated dress code only applies if you’re entering the school’s campus, not if you’re dropping your kids off. 

Being a business owner and employer is a huge accomplishment, and doubly so while being a family man. If you have their faith and encouragement, that’s all you need man. Also maybe some capital and a business development plan. Customers? Ehhh all details.

We have so few outstanding examples of dignity, courage, and compassion left among us, it’s truly sorrowful that such a selfless act lead to such an outcome. Thanks for shining a light on his life, Dara. I hope the child who received the transplant goes on to live a bright, beautiful life.

Lose sleep, maybe not... but it’s a mild tragedy at a _minimum_ that any of these sequence of events happened, ending in him taking his own life. Him having been a former Army medic in the Iraq war with PTSD isn’t a meaningless detail. The war may have been a farce, but the lives ravaged by it weren’t. His actions

Elements of masculinity, the patriarchy and white supremacy have conflated to make black men wary of seeking out therapy

I’m not from the NYC educational system, I grew up around Houston where we didn’t have specialized high schools, but we did have accelerated courses for students who were above level in their coursework and could be recommended or even self-elect to join them at every middle/high school, if you so chose. Teachers may

I think New York should be slow about rolling out legalization, and should do a 3-4 year trial period wherein they allocate 80% of licenses through programs like NYC’s M/WBE, and provide grants that can be used for startup costs, paid out of a fund replenished by tax income from cannabis sales. During this time, the

You might have a partial point, but those are tired dead horses miserable shits like you keep dragging out to justify their rotten anti-social behavior. People like you have no place in the ecosystem it takes to foster both a quality industry and a community engaged with it that can both appreciate and expect a lot

Doesn’t it feel kind of scummy when individuals or companies start rent-seeking and demanding to be asterisked on every mention of a fairly simple and universal phrase which anyone it applies to should be able to use freely without attribution? Like, the phrase ‘black girl magic’ invokes something poetic and

Back to the grays with the rest of us, you turd. 

That’s kind of the point of the show... how average he is, and everyone else sees it but him, but he’s pathologically plucky and the comedians he runs into, a typically self-hating group, end up wanting to encourage him to give it a shot anyway, kinda assuming the extreme grind of it all will either make him better

You need to calm down down dude. People who can’t deliver a thoughtful opinion without having to hyperbolically curse every other word are the lupis of the comment section, not people who curtly and accurately point out your astonishingly ignorant take of calling any entry in an entire genre of games as ‘cookie

Jesus, what a polemic, regressive, ignorant statement. You are the direct analog of the shithead comments you read on Fox News “stories” about “crimes” committed by minorities. It’s embarrassing that at least 34 people support your viewpoint and an indictment of the commentariat of this site that it’s the highest

Red lips on black background is not exclusively an image from racist 20's cartoons. See here. Do all of those images come off as racist to you? Are they all depicting black faces? It is if that’s what you want to see. Outrage means something when used judiciously. 

It seemed like idle people looking for the next kerfuffle to start on twitter to me. Red lips on a black background are a kitschy/noir-y visual reference to ‘sensuality/eroticism, in a way that had nothing to do with black people, until it was elevated by Grace Jones who made her own image and persona around it. Here’

I’m glad to hear it. It’s not a trivial topic, a lot of Native Americans or folks with tribal affiliations were justifiably upset or agitated by this incident, but for all the reasons to be remembered and discussed by the media, this didn’t seem to be the one they gave the most fucks about in the larger scheme of