Silver Soul

Once again, you fail to grasp the definition of fascism. Let me help you: :


Now it’s your turn to apologize for the fake news you vomit onto the internet every day. APOLOGIZE.

This is what your career has been reduced to. Writing clickbait about the President’s every waking moment. I’m looking forward to your piece about what brand of toilet paper Trump uses.

It figures the founder of ISIS would quote a terrorist.

This isn’t going to stop illegal immigration. Border patrol agents are going to stop every one of those potential criminals.

Who’s writing your bad tweets?

I’ll give you some real fake news.

Zuckerberg 2020

If you’re writing about how somebody drinks water you REALLY REALLY REALLY need to reevaluate your life choices. How could you muster the dignity to write this, to attach your name to something so terrible?

Thank you for bringing attention to Hillary‘s awfulness. 👌

That’s right. Hillary doesn’t have a job. And she’ll never have one again. At least aware of it.

Hannity is doing gangbusters in the ratings. He’s kicking CNN and MSNBC’s asses. They’re going to get even bigger nowbecause of the Keurig controversy. And what do advertisers like Keurig want? Big ratings. Now remind me why what Sean is doing is dumb?

Even if Trump’s Twitter i deactivated, he’ll find some way to get his message out. You cannot escape.

Laura Loomer is a Jew. As we all know, Jews can’t be racist. Only victims of white racism. Remember the 6,000,000.

Left wing propaganda is so weak that Russian troll propaganda was supposedly more influential. Let that sink in.

Do you ever get sick of passing lies off as news?

Your repeated attacks on Alex Jones failed miserably so now you’re attacking Fox News? And what are you doing watching them to begin with, to stroke your hateboner some more? You’re wasting your time watching something you hate so you can crank out clickbait articles.

Amazon doesn’t simuldub. It could take years for another licencor to dub and disk their shows.

Are you white? Because white men are NOT allowed to attack Jewish women in any context whatsoever. That’s both sexist and anti-Semitic. Check your white male privilege and leave poor Ivanka alone!