
>One question I always had about that scene: how did Londo know?

@ elihawk

Jadzia is a great concept, and I'd love to hang out with her, but she was a lousy character because she had no issues. She simply embodies the Dax symbiont, with no real character of her own. Do we even once meet someone who knew her before she was Dax? Ezri has tension between herself and Dax, which makes her a

@Zeta Kai

@cheapvorlon, jonesy,

>about people essentially murdering their way across the universe.

honestly, I'd almost prefer it if voyager had just been bad. the random great episodes like equinox (part 1 at least, part 2 is all janeway acting crazy) drive me nuts, because they tease you with what might have been. That said i absolutely agree with you about 7. she was added hamfistedly, and for all the wrong

There is one voyager episode, I forget which one exactly, but I think it was the episode after scorpion, there is this one throwaway line about how "they finally just got all that Borg crap out of the ship". I was about 12 when I saw that episode, and even then I remember thinking "why? why would you throw away a

I unashamedly love Valiant. The whole setup is just such pure a Mary Sue fantasy, a ship full of Wesleys caught behind enemy lines forced to save the Federation. And it is sold with such great attention to the details: The captain, so yearning to be Kirk, handing out lousy speeches right and left, the hardass first

Not quite. Watters drops that line about a battlefield commission when he first meets nog, but the longer story he tells later indicates that he wasn't given a battlefield commission (which confer permanent rank, like Nog's), but was made acting captain, which is only a temporary assignment. Now in a modern