
CBS has a contract to air NFL games. They’re not going to be the ones to rattle that cage. Neither will Fox, NBC, or ABC/ESPN/Disney. Good luck getting Goodell to show up anywhere that would possibly take him to task. At this point I’m surprised he even went on Bloomberg yesterday.

Some of the most racist things that I’ve ever heard come out of people that are on the air at ESPN

I was shocked to see Jason Terry still in the league earlier this season. I seriously thought he retired after Dallas won a few years ago.

I’m not so sure this team is as obviously talented as you say. Other than James Harden, the Rockets are filled with guys well past their primes and JAGs.

Take your sense of entitlement elsewhere, burner.

“Free.” and you don’t get to keep the gwg titles on x1. Only the 360 ones.

Yes, because -everyone- knows that written into a EULA that you get when you sign up for Plus that Sony -must- give you AAA titles every single month

Good. There’s the door, now get the hell out and take your steaming hottakes and entitlement with you. Point out where Sony swore that you would be getting AAA games every month. Go ahead, burner, I can wait.

The free AAA games for the PS4 have been weak thus far. The indie games are much better. Now if you have a PS3, PS+’s offerings have been fantastic over the years. But at least you don’t need it for multiplayer for the PS3.

I'm not big on the genre, but at the low low cost of I-already-now-own-it I'm more than willing to give tropico a peek

PS plus costs 4-5 dollars, I get it if you don’t like management games but $5 to try some games is not all that bad.

You do realize the full game already runs on a console, right?

Why you so upset I’m sorry we get mods man it will be OK, go smoke a joint.

Finally, a smart person.

Weren’t there rumours a while ago about the next CoD taking place in a very advanced future/in space? “Infinite Warfare” sounds like it fits that description.

Well if you can still play your PS2 and XB Original games online, let me know

Different strokes for different people. I like then myself, especially this one. The snide criticism hits home on a lot of issues with the advertising and business practices.

Yeah but they really showed how games are all about money, while seeing how many views they got and asking you to like and subscribe to their channel, which has got to be THE most annoying new trend that has hit 95% of new YouTube videos

That is why people make backups. But unfortunately companies don't like that, so they put DRM and stuff to prevent people from doing that.