
Social security card, birth certificate, drivers license, credit cards, the hot dog you were eating when you pressed confirm, $37 proof of purchase fee, a tuxedo, a rubber duck, and three tacos for the ticket staff

That and a reference to the thousands of children wilt fathered who now play in the NBA

Of course a moron like that would use an iPhone.

It would probably cost Doc his job, but it sure would be funny.

Haha me and the two stars you got smart guy. I could get into a substantive debate on how many people alcohol and tobacco kills each year, but you really aren’t worth the time.

Thunder should dump Billy if they don’t get out of the second (or possibly even the first) and bring Thibs on board.

Wow, I’ll bet so many people care whether you give a fuck, loser.

I’m starting to think Mike Tomlin is selling dime bags in the off season.

You’re right, when will they learn to just use the official substance of the NFL, alcohol. After all, this country has a proud history of drunks.

Domestic battery AND Indianapolis? Shame on him

You know truckers have to meet deadlines to get that decent pay which leads to them driving for days without sleep. That’s a job we don’t need.

PS4 does as well, but the UI makes it far easier to see recently installed updates, and there’s a pop up notifying you when a new update installs. I'm sure X1 does show it somewhere, but ive long given up trying to understand the UI minus kinect.Pretty sure with both you need to restart the game in order for the

Yeah I’m pretty sure it’s in part because no one ever trades those games in. Single player most people beat and trade in for the next one. If used prices don’t drop, new prices have no reason to either

Maybe the survey led to them cutting it?

Isn’t that why they pushed civil war back to may? I thought this was kinda common knowledge at this point.

That’s essentially what I thought when he came to Philly, but that dude has no confidence. No hope. He is just like Kaep but with less upside. Even Fitzmagic is more reliable for at least half a season. Let’s not forget that Sanchez is from USC, though, which has produced such talents as Matt Leinart and John David

Agreed, too glossy, not sure if cgi or not but to me it looks like it.

Ah, the vet. Good times. My favorite childhood sports moment was when the green concrete took out michael irvin and everyone cheered when they got the stretcher.

So if there’s a limit on nationally televised games per team, how many over are the Lakers? Seems like they’re on at least twice a week and they blow.

First of all, realzi brought up the two consoles, and I didn’t say anything about a steam crash. Of course he’s right but his point was very poorly argued. I never disputed his points. Good thing he’s got a white knight to come write think pieces in his defense