
I think the hilarity of the Taylor Swift fiasco is overshadowing the racial aspect of it. A not-insignificant part of Swift’s rise stemmed from people wanting to protect her from the black man who repeatedly victimized her. Swift doesn’t strike me as a particularly stupid person and I’m sure she’s aware of this fact.

Oh Adrianne. Still batshit crazy I see.

Oh Adrienne Curry is out attention whoring again, I wonder what her new project is

Psst....Mimi, you forgot your pants!

Somebody please quickly Photoshop Mariah’s head onto the cover of “London Calling”


This is decidedly far less hardcore than “Mariah Carey’s Clash Cover” led me to believe.

What kind of stain of a human doesn’t give his ex back her dead fathers guitar? christ.


Fashion manacles.

Right. And you know that he’d sell it/put it up for auction if he did have it where by everyone would hate him even more and the person who bought it would come under serious pressure to give it back to Francis.

Not to mention that she’s the child of two people not exactly known for their impulse control.

Yeah, I can believe she gave it away. I’ve done things way more stupid in the name of love.

Kurt was better looking in my opinion, and it completely looks like this dude did his hair to look closer to Kurt. He was Nirvana stalking or something.

Basically. Even that Martin Shkreli douchebag wouldn’t welcome that kind of everlasting hate - which is all Silva can expect.

You'd have to be a real piece of shit to try to take that guitar from her. No wonder they're divorcing.

Common, he’s trying too hard....not freaky weird, he knows what he’s doing. It’s obvious.

Yeah, even if she did why would you fight her for that guitar? It’s insane!

I’ve always wondered if old rockers who dye their hair (McCartney, Jagger, and all the dudes that look like old ladies now) dye their pubes, too. Or maybe they shave it all off? Do they care if the curtains don’t watch the drapes?

I can’t imagine trying to fight Kurt Cobain’s daughter for the guitar, even if she did gift it to him (which I don’t believe for one second).