
2) Getting hit by a car.

I'll go with a bit of found art and pull a Jay Leno:

"Orville Reddenbacher is also a popcorn brand, doing $13.5 million dollars in revenue in 2013"

err, dead livestock. Hopefully the shame of my failed joke will stay in the pending approval zone forever.

C'mon Tom, you're really beating a dead horse here.

If Burneko had ghostwritten this list we would have seen 'Getting hit by a car' on there

In California, that thing has tenant's rights.

I think the important thing we are missing here is how hilarious it is when John Oliver says g'whack'amole.

Instead of either of those, we get whatever this is. It is arguably the worst option.

if that was a speedo tuxedo reference, we just became best friends

It counts as long as you're ok that the cinnamon I used was Fireball

what a fantastic idea

I am not. I'm a gentile giant.

I made a delicious charoset with a mix of fuji apples and asian pears this weekend. It was so good.

oh man. You've got to be wicked uncool to not be allowed to use the word wicked

As the owner of a context free Michael Beasley Timberwolves jersey, I will take my sick burn and sit in the corner of shame. I'm also gonna try to stay out of bar fights for the next month. Promise.

The only clickbait I needed to read this article was finding out who wrote it


Or like Rap Kobe Bryant coming at Basketball Kobe Bryant?