
Question: is the VIP feed option done with? I'm not getting full articles in my RSS reader anymore. Kind of a bummer if it is, but I totally understand why.

we have something in common

"Fuck the fuck off, you disingenuous death merchant"

Who is having a worse offseason? The Ravens or the Vikings?


Do you guys think this new layout will negatively affect clickthroughs to different articles on the site? That was one of my favorite things about the old layout, and I'm still looking at how to make that happen with the new design.


Or you could go to freebirds in Santa Barbara

When are we going to deal with the blatant Raysism in the comments? That guy posts so often.

Someone should have given you a hand with this joke. It's missing something.

-Colin Cowherd


I'm not the only one who read number 36 as Analcleatus, am I?

Now playing

It was John Elway, but now it's NotJohn Elway

this is amazing

He predicts hot fire.

This is the best comment of the month.

i liked it. yolo

I think people are missing the point here. The point is that your name is JizzMasterZero0.