TL:DR this season is a mess of tones and consistency and pacing, and horror. its not good and i dont need gawker to shill it for me.
That’s fair, The Killing does A LOT of things better than this show.
maybe the person who wrote this new season should have plagiarized something?
Do not compare The Killing to this show, they had better characters and executed what they were going for at a high level, even if it wasn’t the best show.
Agreed. I would rate these in the C to D range. The characters, setting, and plot are interesting, but they’re not entertaining. The season seems to be missing a soul, something to make us want more instead of waiting it out like having 33 bags of Skittles left when you thought buying them from Costco was a good idea.
I’m actually angry at how bad this is and pretty shocked to see this getting anything higher than C-grades week after week. They added jump scares and a couple of easter eggs to season 1 to what is essentially one of those crummy AMC shows that came out in the wake of Breaking Bad/Season 1 of TD that were attempting…
Seems like they made an agreement with HBO to never rank it below an A-. The first two episodes got perfect As, which was ridiculous.
I thought his issue with this season was that it also doesn’t plagiarize Thomas Ligotti and Alan Moore verbatim.
Liman might think it’s painful for this movie to go to streaming, but someone should remind him that pain don’t hurt.
What a coincidence, I’m boycotting it, too!
My barbershop is also a for-profit company doing business because it wants to make money. When my barber picks up the mirror after cutting my hair, I tend to just say my hair looks good, without falling into a pissy little lecture about capitalism.
Just pull a St. Elsewhere and have the entire thing take place in the imagination of an autistic kid staring at a snow globe.
There’s a lot of things that receive mass praise, very little of it is for me. If you like those shows, that’s fine, but I know his writing tendencies are extremely obnoxious to me and I refuse to put up with it anymore.
Except John didn’t play a scientist as much as a “space trucker.”
Nah, it’s still jarring and having worked on a variety of commercial shipping vessels irl and watched the billionaire benefactors equivalent on ‘Below Decks’ and countless Nat Geo documentaries, I can tell you that while there may be differences in cabin comfort there’s no difference in the technology used to pilot…
No, the proto-Alien is on purpose by the Engineers. The “real” Alien is further on purpose by an annoyed robot with daddy issues.
After Lost, I’ve avoided everything Damon Lindelof made, whether it’s his Alien movies or The Leftovers. I just had this inkling that he was purposefully trolling his audience with his style of writing, and cackling that he’s leaving a trail of breadcrumbs that lead to nowhere while thinking, “They’ll never figure…
I’ll always be befuddled (yes, BEFUDDLED) at the decision to change the scale of the Space Jockey and the Alien ship.
The idea that, on some level, it was a bioweapon created half an hour ago