
I don’t think it was the original intent of Stan Lee (although he himself admited it the character was an answer to certain hippie ideals), Tony Stark ended being a sugarcoated, for the masses, John Galt. A propaganda for certain aspects of Objectivism.

Fair enough, I stand corrected! Thanks for the lore explanation. I suppose what I meant by humble background is... that Hobbits in general, as opposed to the other races of Middle Earth, are lacking the most in terms of strength, knowledge (of the greater world), might and ‘power’ so to speak. That it was Frodo at the

As a LOTR nerd, Frodo most definitely did not come from a “humble background”. He was the heir to the mansion of Bag End, meaning he was the richest guy in Hobbiton and maybe even the entire Shire. He wasn’t a king, sure, but that’s just because that’s not how hobbits rule themselves. His friends Merry and Pippin were

Black Panther is all sorts of weird when looked at through a certain lens. Killmonger overthrew an isolationist heriditary monarchy. He actually did it legitimately under Wakandan succession law. But the old regime didn’t like him changing things up and modernising so they executed a counter coup with the help of the

I mean... dude’s absolutely right.

And they also believe Jesus was a white Anglo-Saxon capitalist somehow transported to 1st century Israel...and then killed by Jews.

Because the Christian Right sees Israel as necessary in order to fulfill one of the preconditions for the Second Coming.  It’s the place that matters.  They’ve never given a damn about the Jews.

I’d be as disillusioned as Moore if I thought I’d written sufficiently pathetic, disgusting repudiations of the fascist superhero mindset and people decided to unironically declare “Veidt was right!” and “Rorschach is the hero we need!” Then you have all those Thin Blue Line chucklefucks who emblazon Punisher skulls

What some people seem to fail to understand;

The Republican party has a long history of supporting Israel but hating the Jews. 

*fyi, I call centrist republicans as someone who isn’t racist but would never cut military spending or pass gun laws etc. Which honestly might not exist anymore anyway.

Looks like a whole bunch of first year film studies majors were just deprived of of an evergreen term paper topic.

This is the first TV or movie review I’ve read here in months that wasn’t 90% plot exposition. Gold star

They fly out every time Pinhead sneezes, and turn whoever they strike into another Pinhead.

A lot of of these characters seem to be marvelous suckers...


Of course not. They just treat the freelancers even worse.

It helps that Lestat’s powers include telepathic communication, mind control, and time-freezing.

I mean I hope it suck a little right?  Wink Wink, nudge nudge

Completely expecting to read the word ‘Boardway’ a lot.