Just a question: Are you suggesting that people should learn to either deal with assholes (remove them from said place you are) or leave places where assholes are instead of suggesting people not be assholes?
Just a question: Are you suggesting that people should learn to either deal with assholes (remove them from said place you are) or leave places where assholes are instead of suggesting people not be assholes?
This is the exact time the new "Sarcasm" font would be used, how has no one figured out what that should be. Maybe the universal sign for sarcasm is bolded italics underlined?
So you're blaming the girl for getting hit? Why not blame the guy for being such a stupid f'n idiot?
Still prefer a CPA, I've always heard CPAs/Accountants are incredibly boring and way to analytical?
The guy is 53, he could live to be 80. That many years in prison the cost couldn't be much different could it? I'm speculating there, because I don't know the cost of inmates or the cost of appeals. I just think people like this don't deserve to live. There was a guy in our city that got caught performing sexual…
I think this is crap, now we (tax payers) have to pay for this guy to live in jail the rest of his life. I'm sorry but we don't need pieces of crap like this, death penalty is justified.
You would think that if you had a $2 million stipulation in your contract and your are only making $900k, you would know what the F*ck you have to do to make that $2 million. It's crap if he can sue someone for being an idiot.
They have been sued (in the US) because of racial discrimination in their hiring processes in the past as well.
I completely agree!
Thank you for the link!
I thought the responses to each individual were exactly appropriate. One person addressed me with sarcasm and negative comments and I responded likewise, the other responded in a constructive tone and I responded with taking the constructive criticism.
Well some of us want to show off just our calf muscles, I feel like i have pretty nice legs (not tan enough for these below, I would blind people for a while), but we need to bring these back:
Yeah, that is why I didn't think it fit the list, because unfortunately they are already a thing, a horrible horrible thing. The ones listed above have not started to be a thing/trend yet.
This has got to be a meme! First World Baby Problems and he can fight this kid:
What about Manpris? Or would that not fit because capris for men already exist?
Where in the hell was the Lexus going? It appears as they are pulling out and going straight but there is not where to go straight!
Jeez, this was going to be one awesome hightlight, but the dumb first baseman makes it a routine catch by using his glove. Should have used his hat or caught it barehanded, probably would have made ESPN's top 10.
This is probably why I'm bad at online dating, haha, typing faster than my brain can keep up. I never even noticed that the 2 items would appear as linked, "never married and good ones," is not how I meant it. The "good ones" was a terrible way to phrase it as well no matter how I meant it. I meant it as finding…
Well, considering that I never stated that "never married without kids" are "the good ones," but I'm a big fan of how you made assumptions like that. It was meant as "finding good ones in my city" as in overall and in general in my city. You're the exact are the reason I added the edit in the first place.
I'm not exactly closed off to the idea of dating someone with children (1 or 2) and have gone on a few dates like that, but it is not my plan A so to speak. The issue is really the city I live in tends to be this way, but when searching the closest larger cities around me, all 3 within 2 hours and 500,000-1 million…