
Tom - I was the finance director at Bob Bell Chevrolet in Bel Air Md. for a few years in the early 2000's. A very young, uneducated couple with hourly wage income and beacon scores in the 500's wanted to buy a used Cavalier. At that time, the GMAC rep used to camp out in the sales tower underwriting applications on

What kind of cooking video is only 14 seconds long?

What are you talking about? Don’t you know the basics of engine troubleshooting? You have to check for fuel, spark, compression and rag. If you’re missing any of those 4 things, the engine won’t run.

But they only work in Oregon, Washington, Vermont, California, Montana, Colorado and Washington DC. a Chrysler dealership lot?

Flex EcoBoost. Probably half his budget, stealthy quick, and NOBODY else has one. It’s also a natural step up from the PT Cruiser and Caliber if we’re talking family cars.

Your top two pics have fixtures from the 1950's, at the latest, are quality pieces and should be kept if possible. The bottom may be from the 60's or 70's, going by that wild wall paper. The 70's decor loved pea soup green, burnt orange and and browns, really, really dark brown.

I don’t trust anyone from Northern California on matters of pronunciation.

Your only recourse is to buy an even older truck that the kid isn’t allowed to drive. Then it will be a competition until one of you ends up DD’ing a Benz patent Moterwagen.

True, there is sometimes a government “lag”, but we went through Customs and the EPA to bring this car here legally.

We had to get special exemption under the Show and Display rule for this Nano. It involved a lengthy process to provide the federal government with extensive documentation about its intended use and who we are.

That’ss SSilly. You’re sseeing thingss.

I know how to fix this problem.

I think it’s his hobby, not a job.

In come the car loan apologists that count for less than 1% of the population. “But there’s perfectly valid reasons!” Meanwhile record number of people are in debt and complain about how there not enough for a regular standard of living.

My daughter is 18 and so far, no worries. The secret, if there is one, is that I was VERY honest about all the drug/drunk f’ed up shit I did as a kid.

“Just wait until US law enforcement agencies get their hands on remote speed cameras that are used throughout the world, then you will be in for a real surprise.”

Given a choice, I’ll always take one in the pink.

I’m more team Evo 2, because (basically) race car.

At the dealerships? I wonder if there is a risk of overcharging.