Please don’t make me associate this great car with that failed character.
Please don’t make me associate this great car with that failed character.
I knew some twerp would step up. Congrats to you.
Only Chrysler owners have to worry about transmission maintenance...
“I’m from the government. I’m here to help” is not always the best solution.
No, the one that recognizes there are problems with the system and tries to help others regardless.
Or we could invest in new forms of biofuels and use our existing ICEs and their century of refinements, instead of scrambling to play catchup with electric and significantly increase mining. If more people would work on scaling up algae production. . .
True, but think of the flip side of the coin. The billionaire is paying much, MUCH more in income tax anyway, about $40 for every $100 earned. I’d be PISSED if the feds were taking that much from me! Whereas your cheesecake factory example of a poor person is paying peanuts in taxes when compared to the grand scope of…
Two wheels are DEFINITELY good...
To be fair, this is a real car from an already existing company that makes other real products. They have something called “money”, which can be exchanged for goods and services, and have a realistic plan to produce something that could be sold for additional money.
Hell, son - in New England that’s just ‘winter commute.’
I left my 20s a couple decades back but still enjoy the look on people’s faces when they see this big old Mercedes wagon coming at them slideways. :)
It works even better when you have your underage daughter in the car. “Officer, I’m NOT gunna raise a stupid driver: I’m showing her how skids happen and how to catch them!”
Let’s be honest, the rotary sucks and deserves to reside in the trashbin of history.
Protestantism is not a “sect” and Lutheranism is one of many Protestant denominations.
I still believe the “new” U.S. Ranger will essentially be the current T6... albeit a facelifted one.
You do realize there are quite a few people in Texas that use an AR to hunt wild hogs. Just because you’re afraid of it doesn’t mean its only used for “human suppression fire”.
Isn’t that just an EV that plugs into the current electrical grid?
No, I expect you to die.