Very poignant. I am listening to the theme from Jurassic Park and this pops up.
Very poignant. I am listening to the theme from Jurassic Park and this pops up.
And that’s ruined.
Yeah, I’m sure. I’ve spoken at length to DMV officials about it. It’s a bunch of bull, and basically unenforceable, but true.
Sad but true.
Technically you can’t in CT. If you sell 1 car, you’re supposed to have a dealers license. Yes it is stupid. So is CT.
Connecticut is hemorrhaging money like crazy, losing people, businesses, and it’s wealthy. A business wants to move in, do things a bit differently, and gets crapped on. Great job GM. Great job CT legislators. You all suck.
Best. GIF. Ever.
Nice. We’ve now got a Nautique Super Sport after years and years and years of decent but crappy boats.
Give your dad that star I gave you for being awesome.
Fart cans = Auto CP
Nautique, Mastercraft, Centurion? We need details man. Fess up!
The kid looks about 2-3 years old. ie: Doesn’t know any better without being told. The parent: Beat him and don’t stop until there’s a pile of brain matter on the ground. Yes that’s harsh, too bad. Don’t touch people’s stuff. Doesn’t matter if it’s a $100,000 car or their toothbrush. If you don’t own it, don’t touch.…
No idea...
Lambo Taser Guy for dictator for life!
It’s sad that people ACTUALLY think that way. “They can afford it. They should give some to me.” Bullshit. They earned it, you didn’t. This is what happens when people who got participation trophies are allowed to vote.
Nope. Never.
People who want to buy used games AND get instant gratification?
Church of Lost Gearheads
Depends on the road as well. Where in the ADK are we talking?