
Sometimes I wonder if we wouldn’t all be better off if Ultron had just destroyed the whole world

Fuck everyone else, I am so goddamn stoked for gilmore girls. SO STOCKED.


You know, it's really hard just being a shark without all these unrealistic expectations weighing down on me because of how sharks are portrayed in the media. Sometimes I can't deal. Hence, why I ate this dick who couldn't watch where he was swimming.

It’s kind of a shame the article couldn’t have been assigned to someone who was actually interested. Then we could share our excitement with them.

She went to law school instead of medical school, and practices with Viola Davis!

Yes. Happened to me last week

I, too, was confused by Rizzo and Kenickie’s exchange in the car as a young catholic boy. However, it took me a very very long time to realize that the thing that Kenickie was carrying around since the 7th grade was in fact a condom. I thought it was a ring. Like a wedding ring that he was going to give her so they

Grease prepared me for regularly seeing 30 year olds playing high school students.

It must be hard to consider yourself liberal and progressive and just hate women with every molecule of your being. That must be a real challenge during election season. We should pray for them.

“Um, I’m pretty sure Bernie showed his face during the suffrage movement. He’s actually a feminist.”

Rand, here’s your chance to go up .5%, don’t squander it!

I’m sure she does a fine job, but I think if they had wanted a CHANCE at getting some noms next award season then that role should have been played by Jennifer Lawrence.

“shrill” – defined as “the rising shrill of women’s voices”– and “psyche” – for which the example sentence is, “I will never really fathom the female psyche”. “Grating”, defined as “sounding harsh and unpleasant”, was illustrated with the phrase “her high, grating voice”, while the adjective “nagging” used the

Calm down there, Satan.

Still no acknowlegement of women of color, huh?

What is Charlotte Rampling nominated for again? “45 Years since anyone checked my privilege”?

“at least Cosby knocked his victims out b4 he raped them.”

Make sure to hold on to your children really tightly as you walk in to your doctor’s office though.

Stop being friends with those morons.