
Golden Years

Throw Back Thursday!

I love this show.

You should check out the first season. It would greatly improve your attitude about season 2. They don't shy away from the very real problems that shows like The Bachelor have with women of color.

You can watch the whole first season on Lifetime’s website!

1 in 3 have felt afraid of their personal safety because of work related circumstances

I don’t understand how actors work in general, but the idea of calmly playing the coolest guy in the universe seems impossible to me.

Probably would have done much better if they didn’t know the part was Han Solo of all people.

They are looking at unknowns, many of my friends choked in auditions because their agent told them what the project really was.

I swear, I will burn this franchise to the ground if this smug bastard gets cast as The Father of Swagger.

Who wakes up and says ‘I think I’ll spend $100 on a custom car decal that spoils the biggest movie ever’?


Don’t be, we’re just happy you made it!

Nice to see that everyone is handling this delicate subject with grace and sensitivity.

I’m drooling this looks AMAZING

Such a lovely family!


You can be funny without bringing other people down, successful comedians do it every day. And if you want to call me a SJW or any other nonsense that people spout when others call them on there privilege, then go ahead, this is the internet and you can do as you please. But I’m also allowed to call you a bully and

I’m calm as a cucumber my friend. Either you were trying to get a negative reaction out of people, or you’re just not funny.