My friends b-day is December 25th and she absolutely loathes Christmas because of it! We always celebrate her's on a different day to make sure she gets all the attention she deserves :)
My friends b-day is December 25th and she absolutely loathes Christmas because of it! We always celebrate her's on a different day to make sure she gets all the attention she deserves :)
I took it all in good humour really but it did get a bit annoying. I would often employ the sleeping long into the afternoon to miss the 12 o'clock prank deadline! My friend's birthday is Christmas day which seems like a worse time to have one? Like it would just get forgotten about during all the Christmas fuss?
Thanks! I have actually :) I'm in London so it's almost over now. Because it's my 18th people have been genuinely nice and not mean-spirited as the day directs :p
April Fool's Day is my birthday so I have suffered years of people making me unwrap empty boxes or purposely bad gifts like a fake dead rat or some shit. Essentially, it is a shitty day to have a birthday.
Thank you for summarising an argument that I live by but am too lazy to put forth with such eloquence (:
no! :p
is this a joke? it cannot be serious