Cars on the Mind

I put a lot of money in my bikes. More than I put into motorcycles or cars. They’re a huge part of my life, and I invest in them. I’m not a rich man, so I choose where I put my money. A lot of cyclists I know are in the same boat as me. Now, imagine if you had your car stolen and I made a statement like what you just

No, still firmly in the camp of “fuck that guy”. People trying to do a nice thing don’t deserve to get screwed over like that.

eh, you dumbshits spend $60,000 on a mobile hut when a $15,000 one gets you to work the same.

Lol the main thing is don’t check “Yes” to items like “Do you suffer / Have you suffered from mental illness?” on your background check form.

So following NFL protocol, this would be the Motorcycle Company Motorcycle?

If America had less travel and went to Wolly World, I’d expect you’d have even more ignorant people in this country. As a whole, travel is good, seeing other cultures, and learning how others live is good. Many of us can afford it either way and can say things like, raise the cost. However, to relegate those with less

Niche vehicles like Roadster and Semi just apparently aren’t a priority in their current business model, and they don’t have the batteries to spare.


I’m pissed the plaid doesn’t actually have a plaid interior.

You’re missing the bigger crime.

Not meant to be “snarky” at all.

I live in Philly and I am volunteering my services to drive the Skyline. I DD a Wrangler so a Hummer “might not be as off putting”. Also in for off-roading video.

A reasonably fit person in virtually any kind of footwear could walk up that hill with no problems whatsoever.

I'm pretty sure it was "lake bound" a couple decades ago.

I would have helped her with the rocking back and forth and then afterwards, I'd try to get her unstuck.