No, it’s Headey, but it took me about five years to get it.
No, it’s Headey, but it took me about five years to get it.
I feel like you shouldn’t get your own phone until you know how to spell squirrel.
She’s “taking a break” because she is neither young enough nor talented enough for what Hollywood is churning out these days.
Is that you, Ayelet?
Wait ... every time someone said “karma” this week I thought they meant on Brad ... because now HIS wife left him? Jen’s been shading Angelina this whole time?
Yes! And then we’ll see grainy photos of her and Brad and the baby on a beach in Kenya.
You should have been in Belmar or Point Pleasant that summer. They were all over the boardwalk and crap shops.
Except that I am sure she believes none of that was her fault; all someone else’s.
You’ve got to climb to the top of Mount Everest to reach Pattner’s Peak. It’s a brutal climb to reach that peak, which so few have seen.
They are doctors.
I just don’t see how it’s shade when Taylor wore it first, more notably (a Vogue cover), and quite a while ago. But if that’s how Kim wants to expend her mental energy, go nuts, I guess.
Right? And do we really think Kim wore it better? (I don’t.)
The day Lena Dunham issues a sincere apology — about anything! — I’ll eat my hat.
Now we’re talking. I rarely watch TV news but I would if anchors and hosts were dressed like that.
There was an Italian restaurant in Chicago in the 1990s that offered this. I can’t remember the name (it’s been like 20 years) but I think it was kind of between Ukie Village and Wicker Park — maybe on Augusta? I just remember that it had a giant ball pit & I kinda wished I could go in it myself.
I cannot wait to see what Tom Lenk does with Kylie’s ensemble on instagram. #lenklewkforless
I’m sorry you had to go through that. What you’re describing is my husband’s upbringing to a T. To this day, there are friends and neighbors who say his mother made it all up to take advantage of him and get his money (lol, he was a truck driver.)
Sarah Jessica Parker does this ALL the time. I have been watching her make this mistake for 30 years. It’s kind of an obsession of mine. She also says, “between you and I...” a lot. SJP, I don’t know how else to tell you this! You’re better than this — please stop!
She sounds insufferable. #hampdenorGTFO
When you tell it like that, it almost sounds like he was cheating on Keonna with Iggy Azalea.