Color me impressed.
Color me impressed.
Chain maille? Because it’s mustard-colored?
Are you saying, in short, there’s simply not a more congenial spot?
He’s Ambassador to the Seychelles or some such shit. PRETTY FUCKIN’ RICH.
Haha, my mom taught me the same thing 30+ years ago, but she called it “put on the “Mona Lisa”.”
People with bad credit. E.g., my distant cousins who survive on nuisance lawsuits and ticket scalping.
Same here. Duh, I totally knew that. GOD. What do you think I am, dumb or something?
I hope you’re saying VV was cool. I did a ton of work with his dad and sister back in the 1990s and they were terrific - sharp, funny, gracious, thoughtful.
My stepsister is one such person. And she’s a lawyer, so she knows all the angles. I hate her so much and I hate my dad for marrying her mom, whom I also hate. The dog is cool tho.
And eating yogurt with upside-down spoons.
Better with “Material Girl.”
Right? Doing fun stuff while wearing all white = tampon ad.
It looks like one big tampon commercial.
Do you have links to these? I would love to read more about this nut job.
One of the characters brought to life by Spy for teenage suburban me, along with the bosomy dirty-book writer and the short-fingered vulgarian. And of course the deMenils.
The saddest thing is a leading presidential candidate grinning like a moron in a selfie with a Kardashian.
Maria Shriver said the same thing.
Yep, and if you were in high school in the ‘80s you may have had a teacher mention Bret Easton Ellis as an example of what not to do.
The long game involves Gloria Allred and blackmail/payout, c.f. Rachel Uchitel (of whom this nanny reminds me quite a bit.)
You have t ovisit the Pez museum/factory in Orange, CT — maybe 90 mins from NYC, just up 95. The Pez are so fresh; taste totally different from what you’re getting at Duane Reade. You can buy a small bucket to fill from different dispensers.