
If she’s not dead, this was a waste of an episode. Olivia needs to go full evil and go out in a blaze of glory. She is not redeemable at this point and Kerry does evil Olivia better anyway. I’d like something Walter Whitish for her. I also want to see Mellie doing well, leading the country successfully from a pure

I’d imagine Rowan faked Quinn’s death and the two are working together to bring Olivia down. The actress playing Quinn is taking some time off with the new baby, so it stands to reason that she’d be offscreen for a while, but Quinn vs Olivia has always been the show’s logical endgame, and it would be nonsensical to

Do you really want to turn every bad date or unhappy sexual encounter into date rape?

Perhaps the ‘obvious’ discomfort isn’t always so obvious at the moment when it needs to be recognized.

Then she should have put her clothes back on, instead of sitting on his floor waiting for him to brush her hair.

It’s also a perfect teaching moment about enthusiastic non-consent, like leaving.

It needs to be the conversation because her discomfort apparently was NOT obvious to him until she finally used her words and said NO. If she’d done that from the beginning, the situation would never have occurred.

Then perhaps she shouldn’t be dating. Seriously, if you aren’t assertive enough or have the intelligence to stand up for yourself in this kind of situation, you should go back to group dates and get your parent to chaperone.

“well, no means no, plus you have to physically leave the space for them to respect that, otherwise I think it’s just awkward sex.”

The last thing this movement needs is women second guessing a date gone bad and framing it as sexual assault. I’d honestly rather the story be true than open up the possibility of people jumping onto the bandwagon the moment they have regrets about a one night stand. Not saying that’s what she’s doing, but I certainly

Looking into the story as well, I thought the same thing, but didn’t want to be the first person to voice that thought. I’ll always give the benefit of the doubt, but the story made it come off like petty airing of dirt rather than actually pointing at predatory behavior.

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.


No. Bullshit. All your questions end up doing is putting blame on other people. This is exactly like “well, she shouldn’t have had so much to drink or “she was wearing slutty clothes.”

What would Mean Girls 2 even be about? They wrapped up the story pretty well in the first movie. I’d rather see a buddy-cop movie starring Janice and Damian.

There aren’t many blind items about him. The ones there are have been financial. He seems to actually know that he’s in a business and not the art world.


Out of sight, out of mind.

You ignored my point though. Why should the victims skip an event where they’re recognized for their work? And to your point, why do you think any of the known abusers are invited?