Not the same car, unless they removed the sunroof too and re-skinned the roof.
Not the same car, unless they removed the sunroof too and re-skinned the roof.
Why is this a thing? Trying to find blame on the person did nothing wrong.
To be completely fair, you can go to hell with the other left lane cruisers
BRZ was driving in the right, Camry shouldn’t have been travelling in the left.
I’m very familiar with it. But while I preached my displeasure with TPP and NATO, I’m not against providing incentive to be our friends. I just don’t believe in leaching from our economy like a 16 year old nipple sucking child. There needs to be give and take.
Impoverishing our allies? When did it become our duty to lather them in our finances? Much like the NATO argument, people seem to forget we foot the bill and supplement many EU countries defense budgets. While Germany spends a fraction of what we do on Defense, we get a couple of strategic bases. And those in turn…
Oh I knew this from their documentary on Netflix! If you haven’t watched it go ahead! Get ready to be inspired!
There is no meaningful way for them to prevent this, aside from disabling mobile phones while they’re mobile. I’m so tired of living in a world where the lowest common denominators set the standards for EVERYTHING. If those people weren’t on their phones they would have been reading the newspaper or a book or doing…
Must be a Mercedes thing...
Are we surprised? California is a communist shithole with a deathly aversion to fun and hurt fee-fees. I imagine California as that one retired neighbor you had that had nothing to do all day but look out the window and complain about what they saw times roughly 40 million.
Come of Freddy, this is jalopnik, we read the title, maybe the first paragraph, scroll through the pictures and go to the comments.
The same happens in the Bay Area for the first rain storm. All the oil residue built up over the past year makes it nice and slippery. The real problem is every 4th person is driving around on bald tires. It still amazes me that this state has mandatory emissions inspections but can’t be bothered to inspect basic…
Well since this entire site leans hard left they would have been celebrating Madame Clinton’s presidency and how cool and hipster everyone is that follows her. Be prepared to listen to the left spill their annoying crapola for a while because of course most of the people here probably love it. How dare the other half…
This is Jalopnik. In the last few years they’ve decided what this place sorely needed was politics! And we’ve seen their best writers all run for the hills. I still read and comment from time to time, but there are far better sites out there. It’s a shame, really. It used to be my single favorite place on the…
- just do so with the abject horror of half the country
Jesus christ, this little project maybe cost them a few hundred thousand? At most? You really think this impacted their budget at all? What are you even complaining about.
I expected the record would be held by the X5 LeMans, but it turns out BMW electronically limited it to 193mph.
Couldn’t you loosen up the bolts and fix the gaps once you get one home?... after all it would be weird to buy an Alfa and not have to do work to it
reminds me of how the Motorola MBA geniuses reacted to Apple’s first phone in 2007- ‘nobody wants a touchscreen’ and other comments of the same ilk