Raiders of the Lost Ark is one of the more perfect scripts and action films. Non-stop fun start to finish.
Raiders of the Lost Ark is one of the more perfect scripts and action films. Non-stop fun start to finish.
I had no idea Neneh Cherry was Swedish.
I really enjoy Seth Meyers’ A Closer Look but would prefer if he steered clear of mocking the physicality of a person. You can make fun of or bring to light someone’s terrible actions without saying “this guy looks like he just came out of a morgue” or “she probably could summon a horde of demon rats”.
For me it’s less the epithet and more of “you’ll never work one of my matches again” and asserting that she’s the ultimate authority in the sport.
I want to be clear that my position isn’t “Yeah, damn straight, go Ref!” Like, the ump screwed up with George Brett and the pine tar, famously, but George Brett still behaved like an ass and his tantrum tainted him in my overall view.
Phil Hartman as Evil Genius Ronald Reagan was my favorite political sketch ever on SNL by far.
It’s an oldie, but not a goodie: one of those boilerplate kids’ movie plots about a workaholic adult who needs a serious jolt to their inner child
I’m a strong Monster at the End of This Book advocate.
Stunning lack of the Grover classic “The Monster at the End of This Book.”
My son thinks that Dolly Parton is the greatest writer alive (I don’t have the heart to tell him otherwise). The program is only available in Counties that have lower than median income, but I’m not sure if it’s by state or nationwide.
Ok—truth be told, having lost my Dad at 5 years old to cancer and coming into this world with a major birth defect, being there at 1969 and having Fred Rogers tell me he liked me just the way I was, a kid being raised by a single parent and in and out of hospitals 2x year was anchoring and emotionally deep, too hard…
Bytor had to pee somewhere
I can only imagine this deduction in Adam West’s voice.
Honestly, it feels like it’s been a decade since Letterman quit.
I always assumed that Disney kept extending the Copy Right Act into perpetuity so that even when the Holodeck was invented, nothing had gone into copyright since the 20th century and they had to make do with what was available.