Fargo Guy

This one had more variety with respect to the fights, the fight in Siberia was a nice change of pace.

I went into PR-Uprising with low expectations and had a good time.

Jon Lovitz!

two things -

If you’ve been to the Red River Valley you’d know the world is flat.

I was watching the featurettes on the Incredibles DVD and when a snippet of the Ladybug Picnic short came on, I had that Veritgo-zoom moment happen. I hadn’t seen it in maybe 30 years and all of those long dormant neurons fired up, just like in Amelie when Bretardo gets the box of child toys back

I agree it was a B, B- show but there’s a lot of potential in the character and set up.

Lady Elaine creeped me out but I was terrified of The Count.

Is Ru really that much taller than the rest of them? Wow 6'4". For reference Vanessa Williams is 5'6"

And Spiderman on “The Electric Company”

The B wing expansion of rhe X-Wing PC game was a lot of fun.

Is the Amityville movie’s $742 take worse than Delgo’s or the Oggieloves? Per screening I mean.

There were a few acts I didn’t care for but you’re right. there’s a decent intersection of PCH and AVClub acts.

The Croiss(ant).

Wow that movie is still a punch in the gut half a year later.

TR survived an assassin’s bullet at point blank range and stopped the supporters around him from beating his assailant to a pulp.

They had a steak breakfast burrito or bagel that I absolutely loved but it went away with the “breakfast anytime” change.

Its musical equivalent would be Tom Waits and Keith Richards doing a song together

Yes I think that’s right

I was hoping they’d be able to remaster and re-release the SST albums. Did that ever get started?