clever name goes here

Sorry, didn't realize you were referring to the vacation time, thought you were talking about the child abandonment aspect of the story. ("...this could literally never happen in America")

Yes, because unemployed single mothers aren't a thing. If you think shit like this can't / doesn't happen in the US you are being willfully blind.

I think you've got it right. I was raised Baptist, and while I can't imagine A McDonald's in the church I grew up in, those people do love to eat. Potlucks galore. Maybe if it was a buffet style place they'd have more luck!

Same here in AL. Thankful for god's forgiveness? lol, nope. Thankful I hit up the abc store for rum before the rush started!

Don't make him angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.

Yup. Hurts too much to even have fun with the bigger size. Also, stretch marks on the boobs. :(

I also admit to being a clumsy wino who loves bubble baths - no regrets! I also once set my hair on fire from an aromatic candle that was on the side of the tub.

I agree. Not much different from the much hated "why don't you smile" comments that women get.

YES. It's gorgeous. When I try to do smoky eyes like that I wind up looking like an abused clown.

I think Elizabeth Bank's dress is super cute! I would rock that dress in a heartbeat. Also, I have serious hair envy now - thanks Zendaya!

YES! I love it. Totally stealing this. Next time I'm bored/horny..."oh, sorry, gotta go - my pink telephone is ringing."

Same! Dirty minds think alike.

Cutesy. I like it.

Any food related ones seem so...icky to me for some reason. The pink telephone one is hilarious, though!

He did look good working those heels. Sassy!

I think he has a show coming out on Netflix.