
Watching on iPad over 3g, and I have to say... Crisp! Clear!... Amazing. Actually. This feels weird watching live. I am so used to watching peeks and blips coming from the bloggers. I might spontaneously combust! Jobs' mock turtle neck looking a bit low cut than the norm...

Now if they made it a swivel up/down stand like the original iMac or architect's lamp, then one could use it as a full desktop application to type right on the screen when in working mode and slide it up into a monitor mode for using a keyboard or just watching movies etc.

The Obelisk at the Irvine Spectrum... Cell Tower!

@venc: Nowhere specifically. I was just making an objective observation in our office (A Cell Site Development Firm with shitty building coverage, go figure) that even the "big" phones still fall behind in RF prowess compared to the iPhone 4. Don't get me wrong, I think the EVO and DroidX are going to sell well. You

@Wade McGillis: I do know. It is just actually what she says. My silent chuckle was that my iPhone4 has broken through the "dead zone" in our building when all other phones AND carriers (even my VZW-network-Droid-wielding buddy Eric) still struggle. The iPhone 4's RF capabilities are surprisingly good, objectively

@venc: that was a bit pretentious, I agree. But as for the sold out EVOs/Xs? What about the iPhones with this "nasty problem"? 2-3 weeks ship time at a sale rate of 3MM so far? I guess that isn't sold out ;-)

Nice inclusion of the build up to how many call the 4 drops over the 3Gs and then omission of the "less than 1 dropped call per hundred more than the 3Gs"... NICE...

The media coverage on this is maddeningly one-sided. Okay, okay, so this phenomena is reproducible on more than just the iPhone 4. We have seen this discussed ad nauseum. So... I work in an office building that only connects 10% of the calls on EVERY CARRIER and EVERY PHONE. Some phones get NO signal. My 3Gs

@jcnaquin: "Mornin' Clark, Shitter was full!!!"

@EBone: Random issue that wasn't present with 3.1.3. It happened to be that I had a CNAME record for the Exchange CAS server in our internal DNS. Once I changed it to an ALIAS record, all worked out. Random...

Upgraded to iOS4 and my Exchange2007 mail account wont get mail over WiFi. If I turn off WiFi everything works great oger 3G. Any ideas, anyone? Other than that everything is hunky dory!


Combine him (instrument/music) and Guy Ritchie and you'll have one hell of a western movie!!

Yeah, go ahead and put nearly 1/2 pound in yer pocket... That thing is fracking huge. Objectively speaking, however, iPhone4 is 25% lighter & 30% thinner. 3.5" LCD works for a reason. Mass wise, I think iPhone4 is in the sweet spot.