carrots mcgee

everyone knows that tim tebow got famous because of how cooperative he was with the media.

that’s not a fair comparison, muslims in leadership roles actively condemn terrorism.

Booking agent is definitely at the level where you’re hands aren’t clean and anyone with a conscience would realize it. Your job is to find the guests and build good relationships with them so they’ll be willing to come onto your shows. These guests in fox’s case are some of the most ghoulish and evil people in

those “right-leaning figures” are absolute hypocrites and polite society is correct to be biased against them

it’s about ethics in children’s entertainment

on the other hand, it could also not exist. need to consider both sides here

this is already the present my man

i think the biggest culprit is advances in data science

i agree but fail to see what that has to do with this guy

i haven’t had a ton of massages but how do you “accidentally” touch someone’s balls multiple times during one?

50 year old men with “pure” intentions don’t seek out extremely young women online, and don’t say “i love you” when they have zero intentions of getting into a meaningful relationships.

I hope they do more like that in the future episodes. The gun stuff was wild but one of my favorite bits from the original ali g is when he pretends to not understand something basic and the interviewee slowly loses their patience as they have to explain it over and over.

In both Cohen’s and Fielder’s shows, there’s often this effect where the subject feels obligated to play along. Politicians know that walking out mid-interview is going to be a bad look whether SBC’s character is a prank or just a crazy person, so they just try to patiently explain their position and wait for things

are you ok?

The easiest way to fool someone is to tell them what they want to hear.

It’s one of those situations where if you switch the genders it becomes immediately obvious how innapropriate that was. Imagine a woman being asked by her husband’s friend “who’s cock would you most want to suck here?.

They’re not shooting themselves in the foot. Winning elections but losing support from the nra and corporate interests is not a victory to them.

Centrists democrats see progressives as a huge threat, and they know exactly what they’re doing here.

One minor clarification though: the cartoon that ron paul tweeted was an edit of a Garrison cartoon. The 4 racial caricatures are from A. Wyatt Mann cartoons, which are notorious online for how over the top racist they are.

she worked for a mlm scam, ya’ll probably saved her money by getting her “fired”