carrots mcgee

How dare this writer make fun of stereotypical white jock names when writing an article about a fight between two guys named, uh, *re-watches video* Brock and Colby.

yea there was a lot going on in that letter

Reminder that Hollywood refused to support the documentary An Open Secret about child sexual abuse in the industry, and even forced the producers to cut significant chunks of the movie.

It’s not so much about ratings as it is about public image. This is just a small part of a massive media campaign by the saudis. They’re just trying to give NYTimes readers the impression that they’ve embraced western culture (minus the part where women are allowed to do things).

“A tv news talking head is a dumbass” isn’t what I would call highly implausible.

Thank you for defending Juvenile’s Back Dat Azz Up, the song that white people in 2018 always want to do covers of.

If you’re a politician, maybe it’s on you to give people a reason to like you?

People didn’t vote for trump because they hated hillary, they stayed home because they hated hillary.

Watch any show aimed at old people and the majority of the commercials are some kind of scam. You ever see those commercials for mobility scooters? The plan is to convince people who may or may not actually need scooters to get them through medicare, then you give them a cheap crappy scooter but bill medicare for a

If you think you can compete with all the people already doing your exact plan, then sure, go ahead.

Agreed. I don’t really get why the review focused on the weed angle so much. It’s a funny movie that happens to reference weed a few times.

You’re right, Zuckerberg should be unbiased and also shut down all those left-wing pages dedicated to bigotry, such as, uh, um *crickets begin chirping* *a tumbleweed blows by*

Thank you for bravely defending this adult millionaires right to insult and bully children

how dare you ruin my joke

“his wife was scheduled to ride Verrückt on the day the incident occurred”

Now playing

Even today the NRA is pretty blatantly a right-wing organization. I understand being pro-gun but a pro-gun leftist should be against what the NRA does.

I don’t mean that the songs themselves are deep emotionally, I mean he doesn’t understand why the songs appeal to people emotionally. Think about bands you like and why you enjoy listening to them. Then compare that to nonsense like “really came into their own, commercially and artistically”.

The sections about music don’t really sound like fanboy gushing though, they’re written as if they were cobbled together from magazine reviews and press releases.

I mean understand in an emotional sense (i’ve never listened to them much so I can’t comment on whether there’s any depth).

Yea the whole point is to show how conspicuous consumption and violence are literally the only two things that Patrick ever thinks about, and the banality of his descriptions of meals/music/etc highlight how he’s unable to have an emotional reaction to anything and only attempts to mimic the culture around him.