
I am also a person on the autism spectrum, as is my spouse, and both of my children. Because you are comfortable with a term does not make it acceptable overall- nor does it give you license to speak for the rest of us. It is not identity-first language, and while you are free to label yourself however you choose,

I think that's very thoughtful of your sister- and I think it's important remember the importance of showing consideration for other people. 99.9% of the time, when discussing etiquette and common courtesy, I believe in considering the feelings and comfort of others.

That said, my training and professional experience

Well, perhaps it is. But, then, teaching children with sensory processing issues how to learn how to deal with unwanted loud noises is also an important part of what I do. The reality is that being a living human being who functions in society means that sometimes you'll be exposed to unpleasant stimuli such as

Seriously, this. You're supposed to ignore the tantrums (undesired behaviors) and reinforce the desired behaviors (using words to express feelings/desires, keeping voice at appropriate volume, not running around and knocking things over). People forget (or don't seem to understand) that behaviors can and are

I commented earlier to say something similar. I think it's important to note that the "rules" for dealing with a tantruming child- whether they're on the spectrum or neurotypical- are basically the same. Ignoring the undesired behavior and reinforcing the desired behaviors (ie- being quiet, keeping hands to self,

I agree, this gave me mixed feelings. I mean, obvious the violent reaction by the mother in this situation is completely unacceptable. I'm not condoning it.

That said, I think the behavior by this woman was reprehensible. Speaking as a mom of kids with autism, and someone who works with kids on the spectrum, I've

Oh, god, potato chip sandwiches. So freaking yummy. I need to make one now.

Yeah, that was basically the one thing I took away from this.

Disclaimer: I've got a potty mouth, and I'm not easily shocked by dirty jokes. That said, I have been a bit stunned at some of the stuff I've been seeing and hearing on network television. Not necessarily in a judgmental/disapproving way; mostly, I'm a bit taken aback because the things I hear on TV now, compared

Peer pressure to dislike her? Right. Are you actually arguing that, if a person doesn't care for Iggy Azalea, it must be due to peer pressure and not because they have a brain and are capable of forming their own opinions? Seriously. That's some what-the-fuckery right there.

Please, internet person. Tell me what

Well, that and it's lazy and unoriginal.

Well, it's okay for the same reason that it's okay to put on a blonde wig if you're dressing up as Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

I agree. Also, it was completely self-aware and does it in such a way that makes fun of the kinds of people who do blackface, without making it out to be something admirable.

This gave me mixed feelings. On the one hand, there are about a million reasons to dislike Iggy, and a million things to call her out for. On the other hand, I think it's pretty deplorable to insult her looks. I mean, seriously: Of all the things to criticize, that Snoop chose to mock her appearance is not only

I'm with you. Assisted suicide or no, Ms. Maynard IS ending her life on her own terms. There's no right answer in this, other than what feels right for her.

That is so cool! My grandmother is awesome, but she doesn't write wonderful books. Mostly she just plays accordion and does the polka a lot. She also swears like a sailor.

I digress.

That said, initially read this as your grandmother's name is "Lois Duncan", and that she'd get a kick out of reading this and hearing

I won't lie, that was probably about 90% of the reason why I wanted to get married. I wanted to wear a pretty dress and have a pretty cake and party with my husband, and be the center of attention for a few hours. The husband and I had been together for ten years, have two kids, own a house together, and really had

I'm upset by this in about a hundred different ways. Though I wasn't a fan of this show, I had a soft spot for this family, in that they seemed to genuinely love one another and enjoy each other's company. I typically avoid reality shows such as theirs like the plague, but while I didn't agree with a lot of the


Is "gentles" the new word we're using instead of "genitals"? If so, I approve. ;)

Good to know. To be honest, I was stunned that this happened in Montreal, too. This is a city known for being extremely progressive, so the firing (even though it was at a faith school) was a bit surprising. Glad to know so many residents are as disgusted about this as I am.