lmao but I hope your $5k is accepted as a Christmas gift!
lmao but I hope your $5k is accepted as a Christmas gift!
Playing their hand at California’s natural disaster lottery sure earned those millionaires a free, well-deserved wildfire rental!
If you present her with a new Miata for Christmas she would do well to accept your $5k offer!
A heart of gold beats within all whose reinforced crash structures optimally performed in laboratory tests. Alive and well, the spirit of Holiday Cheer. :’)
It’s a tradition in Barcelona to leave the heads on. The intended purpose of this is to suck the juices from them ;)
Who Killed The Muscle Car?
Saab’s namesake is locked away in Old GM’s tomb. It would take the Indiana Jones of automakers to retrieve it
Might have even walked away to pay for lifetimes worth of gas
I cried. Poor murdered baby
It’s me, Hillary Rodham Clinton!
...dark depictions, dire predictions, life as seen in Dickinson’s fiction. Empty pockets, court dockets, may cause eyes to pop from sockets. But it’s worth it for the drugs I need!
Where’s their TerrainSpeed7? :’(
Looking forward, the incorporation of these technologies means a lot to buyers of this model Mazda. Bring “Zoom-Zoom” back with vitality!
That hole you speak of was already being double penetrated by their LX and GX, which sat 8 and 7 respectively. Leave Lexus alone!!
I almost died in the Carolinas’ stretch of 95 when someone flew into my lane since their on-ramp’s merge lane was the size of a parking space.
Maybe to dissuade the audience from assuming the Malibu was a different car! The license plate is the front’s signifying beauty mark, so clearly that was an SS on fire!
Hanging in the ‘ship with my four best friends, I Heard that u were trouble but I couldn’t resist. Tesla makes that good girl go bad!
Lmao! Choking
B- but muh retro car so good to me...