This Fancy erasure! Any Fancy passenger would indeed know
This Fancy erasure! Any Fancy passenger would indeed know
Working that self-promo!!
Do talk. You’re doing God’s work!
I envision the spirit of Saab haunting their own tombstone to Jojo’s “Too Little, Too Late”
BMW is shook
Scalp ha
Bagging ha ugly head
The pretty sister getting preferential treatment!
Silverado six speed shade
To quote another user, “what would a scandal be without a patsy?”
There is no fixing to the problem when you’re talking to an idiot, such as yourself
Wow! Uber is so GD revolting! Consider he’s driving around people who are paying Uber to transport their bodies and their nasty potential sicknesses to have spread to innocent drivers, such as himself. But if some rando got in his car and coughed up some heinous parasite, reducing the Uber driver to paraplegia, Uber…
Method acting!
Pics of his muscles or it didn’t happen
Georgia jalops just driving around their “project cars”!
LSG: as brown as gray can be
Paul Walker’s fatal crash joke?