Regardless of what you may think about the movie(s), the Laketown sequence was a triumph of CGI effects doing exactly what they're supposed to - putting something on screen that could not have been done any other way.
Regardless of what you may think about the movie(s), the Laketown sequence was a triumph of CGI effects doing exactly what they're supposed to - putting something on screen that could not have been done any other way.
For those in the dark, getting rigid body, soft body, fluids, muscles, air, and field sims to all play together under one simulation system efficiently enough for use in production animation is probably in the top 5 most difficult programming projects you'll ever encounter. It took a team and I months to get soft…
The assassin is clearly a WW2 shooter, jilted because they've been ignored for too long.
after playing 5 for the past 2 hours all il say is it's like Halo 2 on acid
It would probably be very shitty, to be honest.
I've always liked it when developers recognize their own glitches in a more or less cheeky fashion. You have this with the sign referencing the glitch and you also have Bungie putting that pile of remains in the Old Russia loot cave in Destiny that says something about the Cryptarch.
I know there's other examples of…
This is the benefit of real life: you can pair up Master Chief and Barbie immediately.
This is The Chief from the 1080p remaster on the MCC.
Not THAT realistic, where's all the jagged lines?
It was made by Don Hertzfeldt, the same guy who made "Rejected". Anybody who liked that gag should check it out.
Indeed. The boss itself was a pushover, but it was an epic struggle to get him to appear.
That makes much more sense now thank you.
thanks buddy.
The humor is BF hardline mutiplayer is pretty funny, seems like they are bring back some of the stuff from BC2
Fair enough. Apologies if my rebuttal seemed to come on too strong, then.