Drunklock Holmes

Graphically, the Devil is in the details with Destiny for me. I see a lot of ambient occlusion, really nice and high quality dynamic depth of field, a lot of dynamic lighting that casts shadows, a flashlight that ALSO casts shadows, a pretty high quality particle system, grass and trees have independently animated

One mans trash is another mans pleasure! The same applies to games.

I agree completely. Take the previous Halo's they made. Both Halo 3 and Halo reach have this air of.... quality. You don't get crazy gamebreaking bugs on day one and nine times out of ten, you don't even see a title update from them. They make sure to put out as perfect of a product as they can on release, instead of

Enjoy it. It's pretty great, regardless of how many pixels it has! :D

I hear the xbox version is coming in a green case.

I can't believe the PS4 version is the only one that comes in blue. Bungie hates us... BUT WE XBOX FANS MADE THEM WHO THEY ARE NOW. WHERE'S THE BLUE LOVE.

Luckily for you, not only do the current gen consoles look pretty damn spiffy for the hardware, but so far PS4 owners who have it on PS4 and 3 have been able to access their characters no matter which one they are on. So, if you decide on an Xbox One, you'll be able to continue your 360 saves as if you never left.

It was simple for me, that's for sure. My buddy mentioned this to me before I read it myself and lost his mind about it. Decided on the PS4 preorder then and there.

I told him the Beta is based on the version of the game that had the kinect requirement BEFORE they stopped making it mandatory and that the full version

It is, but after playing it I can hardly notice. Now, usually I'd be up in arms, but Bungie has made a smooth as butter 30 fps out of it. I mean, it feels like the whole game was built with this framerate in mind, unlike a lot of "30fps" games on consoles that suffer from intense screen tearing, stuttering, massive

Feels like the PC versions "Anniversary Edition" with some nicely added features.

I'm all game for that.

And here we have a reason why there should be an ignore button on Kinja.

Now playing

This is part one of the "Bungie Community Theatre". It was actually pretty cool.

EDIT: Two concerns itself with another Halo fan thanking bungie and the last concerns destiny.

Man, calm down. lol I've not been on top of this PSNow thing and was not aware that they were touting it as a rental system. My mistake on stating the obvious due to my being oblivious. I figured it was going to be a subscription based streaming service that was a... compliment to a normal gaming library. Don't have a

Honestly, even if your internet is working, I think this will only serve as an elaborate "Rental Service".

So far I have found little reason to partake in half baked streaming of games at inflated prices when the cost of the game is either similar or less and playable forever.

Did you play it on PC or console? Cause I'll tell you right now, I have both and never felt BC2 was fun on PC. You can tell it was only on there because a lot of people felt the Console exclusivity of the first BC irked them a bit. Bad Company is very much a console FPS.

That's what I'm saying. Then again, Bungie has always been pretty self aware of things like this in all their series.

"they are bringing back some of the stuff from BC2"

You must be talking about the feeling of fun while playing. Yeah, I'm all for that. :D

Fair point. I'm just afraid to see it happen to CS:GO the same way with TF2. It started as updates to the various classes, then transitioned to a pay for items system and eventually it went Free to Play, giving purchasers of the game a free in game item.

Nah, it's all good. I just see how some of these conversations go down on "da kinja" some days and wish to avoid it if all possible. Trust me, you were making some fine points. I'm just sorry you had to waste them on my one time when I wasn't all too serious about conversing about it. lol

I know, holy crap my eyes! I was too curious for my own good!