Drunklock Holmes

Well, as I said to F50!! I'll be (I guess) talking about my overall experience of the game in my first proper Kinja post! (Again, once i find out what I'm doing, being a new member and all. I mean the comments section alone is confusing enough.)

I'm all hype now! As I said in another reply, I'm definitely going to play through the second half with excitement in my eyes!

And concerning conclusions, I'm biased; I'm never a fan if endings in general. No joke, my favorite ending to a game was Mass Effect 2. So open and ripe for the next one.

Sounds like he was a pretty cool dude. I did hear it had a bit of a rocky dev cycle compared to most titles (Indie included). Glad he finally managed to get it out and to the masses and on steam, no less. Gonna repay him by getting it on steam too. I got it free on Xbox, so I have a bit of a "I'm not worthy" vibe

That sounds beyond fantastic. I'm heavily looking forward to the final half of the the game for sure at this point.

It's an acquired skill. Unlike most I'd not learnt that lesson as early as possible. Don't worry, I'm only 23 or so. I'm not too late to the Self-actualizing party. Besides, this was at release, quite some time ago. I only got this game a few months back, not even. Since then I'd say I've done a lot of growing in that

I'll admit, I made the mistake of dodging a game like that had talking animals in it when Dust: An Elysian Tale came out. My one friend who had gotten it told me it's just furries with swords and some drama. Little did I know he didn't even play over the 5-10 minute mark.

These are the names of the Shepards I used in my various play through's. I'll warn you now; I'm baaaad with names.

Fair enough. I mean, Halo 2 I'd say suffered from the same issue Halo 4 had now. Great art, but it was technically inconsistent. Halo 3 was a great looking game, but more from (Again) an artistic and atmospheric point of view. I mean, one of the few complaints I have of Halo 3 was that it's graphics "Got the job done"

Lets be honest here, one of the biggest reasons the washed out graphics looked the way they did was, in part, the engine starting to leave the hardware it was on behind. I mean, the pop in was outrageous, with lower LOD's popping in mere feet from your character as well as any dark/light lighting having little effect

I'll admit it, Microsofts marketing game is quite good this time around.

bugs = secret features!

This same thing happened to me. Literally three blocks from my house, there is a sink hole that goes straight down to the underworld (With water at the bottom to break my fall and a hellforge a mere two inches from there) and then every other block for as far as I can see past that has shot straight up to the sky. I

That's Wizards Chess.

This would be on the PC version of Minecraft. This is (From what I can see) all stained glass, which was added in 1.7.2 (snapshot 13w41a).

Paint me enlightened. I did not know any of those things. I roughly knew the Tower of Babel story (AKA I knew a story existed) but not the rest.

Now I'm going to have to get into the Days of Future Past comics.... and probably a bunch of other ones as well. Sad that I never tried to get into it sooner... I guess we can

I may not be familiar with the Xmen comics, but it's good to see that all those years of being called "Nimrod" by my father was him actually giving me a compliment.

You know, considering the topic, I think it's a good time for me to admit something....

I played the crap out of the James Cameron's Avatar movie tie in game. Sure it wasn't blowing doors down with it's story, nor blowing minds with it's technical prowess (Animation and character models mostly. Environments weren't bad

That is either the second best game in the world or the worst.

I'm so conflicted right now...

Oh, there's plenty to see.