
he pleads not ghillie.

Service animals and emotional support animals are not the same.

Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.

4. College overtime rules, all game.

yeah but then your legs are the crumple zone

He’s probably only got another 82 payments on that truck. No big deal.

Tell them it smells. And they tell you off from the advice I see here.

Pretty sure the Pope has a Lamborghini, bro.

Where did you get this information? I have a masters degree in polymer science and both silicone rubber and vulcanized natural rubber have excellent resistance to isopropyl alcohol.

Hmmm, not gonna drive to KillAmericanstan for a $30k discount. Color me cheap.

So you would rather pay 30 grand more... for an experiance... when in the end you get exactly the same thing....

You know what I think could really revitalize Brazil and its several metro areas? The Olympics. Just think about the job opportunities and infusion of cash...would be welcomed with open arms, I’d bet.

i went to a relatively pricey private university, and i know of more than one intelligent classmate graduate mom currently forgoing a legitimate career for this type of junk.

100%. I have a friend that is now doing 2 of them. I had to unfollow her on fb because I couldn’t take the constant discussion of her various LLR and now new products she is selling. And it is a pyramid scheme and how do you not realize that. They make you part of a team and try to get people under you to sell things.

Holy hell, I know SO MANY MOMS who sell all these things. Mostly Arbonne, Isagenix, Silver Icing, Norwex and Thirty One. I hate Isagenix and Arbonne the most.

A friend of mine made a FB post about MLM’s and the comments section was immediately clogged with paid posts by some shady internet reputation management firm, talking about how that particular company was WONDERFUL and enabled people to live their dreams, etc, etc, which was red meat to me. It went on for I forget

I second this, my wife and I have an infant and the amount of my wife’s old high school friends that have started to get in touch with her to sell her things or recruit her to join their sales team is ridiculous.

I live in the suburbs and all this shit is everywhere. Its almost inescapable.

I wish someone would write an article about the new wave MLMs that target mom. Every mom I know now sells something (LulaRoe, Scentsy, Norwex, Pampered Chef), the shit just goes on and on.

I don’t really care if it’s technically a pyramid or not, the idea of making women keep $20K of product in their homes so they can peer pressure other people into buying it, is criminal in and of itself. Most people aren’t that good at selling and at some point you’re going to bleed your tap dry of people to sell to,