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We all know who had the superior anthem though

Now that’s a classy interior. None of this expensive for the sake of it “LOOK AT ME, IM FANCY” crap you see in something like a Pagani.

Because the real people that would actually get a compact Porsche crossover have no interest in a used Cadillac wagon.

Mutterland? I know these are a favorite of Russian oligarchs and their lackeys, both at home and when laundering money in the west, but Germans don’t call their home that.

Will be interesting what they do to cool the motors. My understanding is that they overheat very quickly when used at high levels for any period of time. Which is why we never see Teslas at Nürbergring.

The real takeaway from this story should be to never use crappy aftermarket parts in a car that costs nearly $100k. I have nearly the same S-class as Freddy, except mine is a 2003 S500 with 95k miles. I’ve just been going through and replacing all the failure-prone components with OEM parts, that way I can avoid

Bluff? As I mentioned elsewhere:

No. The Japanese make better cars than VW, not the domestics.

He said the car he was in is a prototype and not a production car and declined to comment on the concept. He also said if you look closely you can tell it’s a prototype pointing to something in front of him.

Maybe get better translators.

I cross shopped Ford and VW pretty hard. I would up buying both a ‘15 GTI and a ‘14 Focus SE. The Ford is nice but not nearly as refined as the VW. The VW easily feels $10k nicer inside.


In his defense, if it ISN’T a prototype, why does it have this strange lever-like plastic protuberance (voltmeter? vibration sensor? emergency shutoff?) on the left side of the steering wheel?

So much technology! There was a time when common rail technology was foreign to most diesel owners. The tech on this engine is out of this world. I’m curious to see how it all holds up over time, and if they are costly to maintain.

BMW celebrates its 100th birthday tomorrow with some apparent big surprise about the future. In the meantime, here’s two of my favorites for entirely different reasons.

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Yes, yes that is all fine and good but there is a new Gumbert Apollo: