This seems like they’re gonna have a lawsuit on their hands. Shake Shack isn’t some podunk mom and pop without lawyers, and the union doesn’t have any sort of qualified immunity, they’re just like any other organization.
This seems like they’re gonna have a lawsuit on their hands. Shake Shack isn’t some podunk mom and pop without lawyers, and the union doesn’t have any sort of qualified immunity, they’re just like any other organization.
Garrett Rolfe, the 27-year-old cop who
fired atkilled Brooks, had worked with the Atlanta Police for more than seven years; in that time, his file shows at least 13 incidents of complaints and alleged misconduct, including a 2016 use of force complaint in which Rolfe used his firearm.
It wasn’t until one of my friends became a firefighter/EMT that I realised that they carry guns too. He explained to me that they get a call and they go immediately, sometimes to active crime scenes. They can’t wait for the police to declare the area clear, so they carry for the purpose of self-defence.
“She likes to: leave me alone”
So the NRA is all over this supporting the pastor, offering legal help, and getting all over this to support his second amendm . . . . uh, right, he’s black. Nevermind.
I was just about to post the same thing. I was beginning to wonder if brandishing was even a law any more with all the times I’ve seen Nazis not be charged with it.
Honestly there is no downside to this because it’s only the bad cops that are quitting.
Well, they needed something to replace the Confederate flag with, so there it is.
Great, we got the first 5 criminals, but what about the ones with badges?
Normally when I hear people talk about carrying guns to protect themselves I just roll my eyes. Here’s a situation where it’s actually necessary and the dude gets arrested for it.
Cops: It’s just a few bad apples! But we’re working hard on getting rid of the good ones.
I went 10 rounds with a cop friend of mine about this last night. I told him that his industry had lost its privileges to collectively bargain, and that the state constitutions should be changed to make police “at will” employees. He said “you can’t attract good people to the job without the benefits.”
A lot of them act hard but hide behind their blue wall bullshit or the law, which is setup to protect them. They do what they do so brazenly because they know they only have to answer to their peers. What they fear about this situation isn’t criticism. Its the fear of being held accountable.
Did the cops think he lured five white supremacist assholes onto his property purely for the purpose of brandishing his gun at them? The fridge they were trying to dump on his property didn’t immediately disappear once the cops showed up, so it was proof that they were doing something illegal, but because he’s black…
“We’re going to see the Sick Outs and Non-response To Calls that I think the NYPD(?) threatened around the time of Ferguson.”
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!
If I can’t abuse and kill you with impunity and demand that you get on your knees and praise me while I do it then ... I QUIT!
They’re big and bad enough to kill unarmed black men and women for the flimsiest of excuses, but they can’t take the heat of the rightful criticism they’re getting for those unwarranted deaths? Too bad, so sad. We’re not going to absolve them of this shit.
The former captain of detectives with the Philly PD said this to me yesterday: if (BLM) gets the changes they want, you’re not going to see any qualified applicants for the positions anymore. Seriously