To be honest what Rowling intended as messages and what fans got out of the books seem increasingly at odds the more we learn of her politics and intent.
To be honest what Rowling intended as messages and what fans got out of the books seem increasingly at odds the more we learn of her politics and intent.
Having talked to people like her she’s worried about the CHIIIIIIILDREN! Wont someone think of the children!? What if they transition and regreeeeeeet it!? (despite the astronomically small number who do vs the many people who kill themselves because they can’t transition).
She didn’t need to do any of this. She could have just kept quiet in whatever Scottish castle she lives in surrounded by her billions. For the past few years she seems to have transformed into a literary kooky aunt sharing critical information about the Harry Potter world that borders on bad fan fiction that like, I…
What the fuck is wrong with this woman? What business is it of hers what anyone else chooses to do with their body? It just seems really strange to me that she would decide she’s a warrior for this side of this issue, especially given some of the lessons of HP as elucidated by Daniel Radcliffe.
If you never caught him on The B from Apartment 23 - where he plays a parody of himself - you totally should. He has fantastic comedic timing. He was the best part of the show.
of all the hills to die on, this dude chooses “brown face”? and sends all these snide emails? jesus
I’m a former Hill staffer, and this article is making me EXPLODE over the dress code bullshit.
Shitty cops are shitty across time. It’s rarely a one-off. The other cops who don’t actively do shitty things are enablers and are therefore just as shitty.
My one experience with Condé Nast was a weird one. I was brought in to interview for some entry level position and met with an editor (I don’t remember what division). After our meeting was done, I was told the publisher wanted to meet with me. I was sent into a big, fancy office where I was promptly told “Forget…
You mean Reese wasn’t willing to front the $400M it would cost to give all 3.2M teachers in the US a free dress? Maybe if she gets the green light for season 2 of The Morning Show from Apple.
Hmph. Everyone wants a free dress.
Wow. This is the most Karen thing I’ve read in, like, 20 minutes. It’s like all the Karens vs Reese Karenspoon.
Frivolous lawsuit is frivolous. Teachers should have read the fine print. But even in the absence of fine print, if there’s a giveaway, it’s obvious that not everyone who signs up will get a dress.
It’s tougher than you imagine, and I have no problems with people who eat what they hunt. I was brought up that way. I also say that anyone that hunts for trophies is a dick, and anyone that hunts endangered animals is an ass.
I dumped my live-in now ex-girlfriend because she was abusive. And by abusive I mean one time I brought home the wrong milk and she threw an apple at my head, attempted to push me down a flight of stairs when I tried to walk out [our agreed upon strategy when things get heated is I needed to accept she sometimes went…
She’s absolutely right about teaching the achievements of various ethnicities that contribute to the cultural tapestry of the America’s (John Leguizamo’s Latin History for Morons is brilliant in this regard).
They elected him after he disparaged a Gold Star Army captain. It has nothing to do with “respecting the troops” and everything about “hurting the people he’s supposed to hurt”.
I predict it is the hardened 25% who will never vote Democrat and who honestly spend more time hating any US ethnic minority than they spend time trying to improve their own lives.
There have been quite a few military personnel speaking out against (can’t type his name). It’s amazing how his remaining bottoms don’t see him disrespecting our troops, past and present with his bullshit. The top military officials he’s raged against are representation of the military. These people drank more than…