I logged in via my phone tonight and was thinking- what's this burner crap? 4chan, seriously.
I logged in via my phone tonight and was thinking- what's this burner crap? 4chan, seriously.
Well, since this is technically Call Out Your Employer Day here at Jezebel, I guess I can admit I side-eyed the shit out of that headline. [BRB GOING TO BURN SOME BRIDGES]
I love the fact that a battered woman gets no sympathy because she is a pornstar. Pure broscience at it's best.
Hope you had fun watching her videos.
It must be a real bummer for you that your nightly reading expectations were undermined by this woman's attack. That must be hard for you.
Well he's a cage fighter that almost beat a woman to death. That's more sensational than porn star. He was also kicked out of porn for beating the shit out of another porn star.
To steal what someone else said on another message board: Technically, suicide is a selfish act. However, people who are clinically depressed to the point where they're seriously considering suicide aren't capable of thinking rationally about such things.
Funny how THAT isn't being used in the headlines.
yeah, he was fired for being difficult to work with, prone to violence, and having a small dick. None of which surprises me.
Honestly, I just figured it was because she's the famous one and maybe it would be easier to identify her? Idk. I'm a fan of hers. Met her a few months ago at a bar and she was absolutely one of the nicest, down to eartg people I've ever met. I watch ufc and couldn't pick this scumbag out of a lineup if you paid me…
I suppose she is a more known figure than your average victim of assault. Normally when reporting on a crime the victims profession is mentioned simply to beef out the story. In this case its intended to grab headlines. Which I suppose would be harmless if it wasn't used as justification to look down on her, portray…
Yeah, I get your point and it's definitely noted. But part of the problem is that we assign shame to phrases like "porn star." If we stopped doing that, those headlines wouldn't be "sensational." It would be just another profession title, NBD. Thanks for commenting, Donna.
Except that it is her profession and she is not ashamed of it at all. Why should we instill that shame on her by saying "Oh we won't mention what you do for a living." If she were a doctor, lawyer, etc. would you say something like that? Do you recognize that telling people they should omit that is basically an…
Will it undo it, too?
I'm sorry to hear about your divorce, Albert.
I spent the next few weeks talking with like 30 divorce attorneys in town
I asked Gawker for legal advice once and found out that my classmate's step-mother makes $66 every hour on the laptop . She has been fired for six months but last month her pay was $14193 just working on the laptop for a few hours.
At pretty much every blogging job I've ever had, I've been told (by male managers) that it'd be a death sentence to moderate comments and block IP addresses, because it "shuts down discourse" and guts traffic. But no one's ever shown me any actual numbers that support that claim. Does anyone have any? Not that I think…
Is there something I can do to stop this? This is in Utah
If you needed help with a legal situation, would you ask the first five people you see on the street? Of course not.…