Therese Belivet


Suicide squad has now more Oscars than Carol…great, this is the world we live in now…

10 nominees, still no place for Carol….yeah, I'm still bitter

There has never been a character that has been as obnoxious to me as Ronaldo tonight. The way he acted was just so true to my experiences of people like him. I literally wanted to punch the screen.

Arizona making out with the Callie look-a-like was all over my gay twitter feed this morning. She may look a lot like Callie, but there was no chemistry between the two. After ruining Calzona like that, they should have just given Arizona a fresh new love interest. She deserves better.

I'm so excited for Octavia Spencee's episode!

I'm a bit iffy about this…because of Ewan McGregor's previous accent work..

The only reason I'm watching this movie is to see Cate Blanchett wear a badass head piece and a tight leather suit, so do whatever you want nerds.

The Handmaiden being snubbed is like Carol 2016 all over again :(

i haven't watched the good wife. Should i watch that first before watching this show?

aka La la land for hipster millenials

I am fully content with the film. I don't know what else they could possibly add with this adaptation. Helena Bonham Carter and Emma Thompson were perfect as the Schlegel sisters; it would be hard to watch this without keeping their performances in mind.

The Gospel according to Mary or the one according to Philip.

Maybe they stole them to add to their own collection…To appreciate them truly, instead of leaving them to gather dust in a warehouse.


Buy bai bai!


You actually included the 28 song!

The cut on the empty wine glasses on their table made Winona's reactions even funnier

People should hand over awards to JLD for her speeches alone!