Therese Belivet

oh i experienced this before! i thought it was weird that my other eye was seeing darker than the other, but i shrugged it off and went to sleep…

You mention Adventure Time, but you guys are dropping it from the TV Club :(

US entrants only 😢😢😢😢

nooooooo!!!! I have always loved the adventure time community here…:( it was through 30 rock and adventure time that i discovered this site. I'm really gonna miss this comments section, It does not seem too long ago that the steven universe community was born here as well..

Everyone in my school worships fall out boy..and they think they know "real rock music" and shits on pop songs on the radio..

The site and videos are full of hidden gems! lol at Catherine's influences hahahaha

Thank you for the advice! It's nice to talk to some one who have still have some drive and is still passionate about helping people. Most adults i talk to just seem so dead inside…and it really scares me that someday i'll be the same. The things you shared really inspired me and i'll be sure to keep them in mind! :)

That's really admirable! People like you do not deserve the bad rep insurable people get most of the time..I wish I could find my own sense of purpose in the future. Well, i had such a straight forward plan..I was supposed to go to university this year but I found out I can't because I am an immigrant and I haven't

woody allen + cate = oscar
woody allen + kate = another oscar?

hey, I'm pretty young and and I know very little. to be honest, I'm afraid of what might come in the future; but coming across people like you gives me some kind of hope…yeah, I don't want to sound cheesy or anything, but i just want to say i admire people like you and I wish you more strength :)

woah…you are made of some strong stuff keeping it together….

Happy Birthday! 😁😁😁😁

Dany/Yara is a blessing for my gay ass heart…I am not worthy..I'm too weak for this.

Exams :((

am i the only one who senses some sexual tension between dany and yara? i don't know is it's just my gay head messing with my perception but i would totally ship it…

i felt so much sympathy for Selina this episode specially about her talking about keeping all the negative feelings locked inside a tiny box, talking about her father and nixon, and her constant denial of the possibility that she will lose just made the last scene just even harder to stomach…JLD is a god for making

i don't know why, but i felt so much sympathy for Selina this episode..

everyone is dying :(

My favorite is Monsters Inc. just because i have fond memories of watching it over and over again in my childhood home…

i hope he'll continue the millenium series with mara :/