Therese Belivet

tim and helena broke up………

i just want the pb and marci ones…

i can't wait… hear stories about parents unwittingly taking their children to see this

Potato: "Witness me!!!"

He was also firelord ozai!

i watched whiplash and now i'm addicted to jazz music and jk simmons ;)

and the oscar goes to,,,,

I miss you Garnet :(

i expect the same negativity for this ghostbusters since the main arguments for the other one by those who claim to be "feminists" are that a remake is destroying their childhoods and a remake is unnecessary.

bran And the night's king! bran And the night's king! bran And the night's king! bran And the night's king! bran And the night's king! bran And the night's king!

I only watch the other late night shows for the guests (and only if i can endure more that fallon fake laughing….ugh) Those games do bring about something from the guests that lets me know more about them..well, sort of…but if i want to genuinely laugh, i go to conan. His remotes are always entertaining and i would

She wasn't really killed off but I left when Cristina left in Grey's Anatomy….

imma watch for mah wiig…

i've seen trailers worse than this, but didn't have this level of negativity….

as a nerd and a wiig stalker…er…i mean fan… this just makes me so damn ecstatic

except mean girls…so basically movies she didn't write

I hope this is like a modern version of Dewey Cox because I sure did enjoy that movie!

it's probably spotlight then..,

our audiences are global and RICH……….in diversity..

what the frak is happening…