Therese Belivet

i thought i was the only one rewatching it for God knows how many times already!

my young brother loves it :)

and best catwoman!

i'm hoing to watch this due to my loyalty and deep respect to Michelle Yeoh.

when 11 year old anna paquin won the oscar for best supporting actress, it was so adorable when she was at lost for words and so heartwarming to see established actresses to be so happy for her.


i like the opening for adventure time and steven universe…… Oh and the iconic opening for the powerpuff girls

can we have conan back?…..

somebody asian, don't whitewash my life hollywood!


why did i read the title as "foreskin"

Did he stink of the lamb?

Ben: "Yeah, of course you do Jonah. You don't get the complexity. You're the world's biggest single-celled organism."

i was a massive fan but stopped watching when chrstina left :((

totally agree!!!


so hyyypped!!!!!!!


veep got freaking robbed!

i think veep deserved at least one award