Therese Belivet

HEY GUYS!! have you seen this? is this reaaaall? Some sources said they are abandoning the stoneheart idea and just letting her comeback as a hooded woman..WHAT?!?!?!

i just really like the psychotic, paranoid, and crazy characters….(SPOILERS) and when Jamie tore that letter…it broke my heart… i actually like their incest relationship…i think it's strange and interesting..

i love Cersei's character and i loved how the books explored that specially during (SPOILERS) walk and how that affected her

that's a good me…

i can't believe i'm seeing this reference here..i'm really feeling at home haha

i think it was a dream

i watched all of them….you guys are in for a treat hahahahahahaha!!!

I love your avatar, it's the best here <3

I was actually looking forward to it :|


nothing makes me happier than watching pearl go cray-cray….

i am going to watch this for the sole purpose that Wiig is in it.

even after knowing about garnet, i still ship her with pearl…i love how she pulled pearl behind the curtains haha

A Paul-er Bear