
All of these things are fair and rational requests to make. Can't see any reason anyone would have a problem with any of them.'s a great thing.


Maybe we should, like, create a more tolerable world to live in so that it seems less appealing to be stoned and escape all the time, man.

Plus, this is a crisis situation we're talking about. There's possibly already a physical altercations taking place, people are jumpy, nerves are high.. most people probably aren't going to have the composure necessary to effectively aim at such a small target as testicles.

Yeah but if he hadn't creepily asked for bra pics, he might have had a shot at seeing her actual real-life boobies. With his hands.

She said no, that means you have to

Amen. Old 20th Century anachronisms like this only dissuade our daughters, girlfriends and female pals from joining this hobby or attending races. Want the women in your life to be as stoked on F1 and car shows as you? Start by nixing the grid girls, booth babes and other sexist signals that this is a "man's

Bad-ass Katherine Legge agrees.

I have to say, as a straight man, I have no problem with grid guys. If you're gonna parade attractive, semi-naked people around, may as well please everyone, right?

See, the whole notion of grid girls is a bit problematic. It's a bit absurd to ask why there aren't more women in or interested in racing when we're still parading women about for the sole purpose of looking pretty. While that's not going to stop me from having a good time, it does give the first impression that it's

I would love to write a clever remark here but with today's track record, I'd just screw it up.

Yeah, that we can't afford health care.

Here is what I worry my conquests are thinking while I'm whacking them off:

Terry from Reno 911 said it best: a handjob is still a job!

@JilliefromChile: I'll have you know,my circumcised weetus is moist and generally dressed up as a civil war general. Ya prejudiced bitches. how would you feel if men preferred only uncircumcised women? this is Jezebel Sudan, right?

Well now you're just repeating content from a few weeks ago.

Hand jobs are great, because I can totallly watch TV while I'm doing it. Just make a few random comments, and he won't know a thing.

I know I should hate on you because I'm a humorless bitch, but I agree. Zounds! What to do?! Should I stop giving hand jobs out of spite?

The day I get a proper fingerfuck will be the day I will polish your knob. Seriously - it seems like a good fingerbang is a lost art form.