
What's up with the tone in this article? Countries build monuments all the time - if this was in France or St. Louis would you be asking "what the hell are they building" and using phrasing like "they claim" and " this titanic structure does absolutely nothing? It just seems really petty and kinda racist.

No no, go ahead. I have not said anything about white people.


Wait did I say anything about the color of people's skin? Or are you just assuming since I said "racists" I somehow meant "white people"? o.O

Wait, is it the official party of the democratic party to spike trees? And is that really the only example of left-wing extremism you can think of? Because it's the official GOP party platform to divorce legally married same-sex couples and dismantle the social safety net.

Now playing

Best part about fracking? Great party tricks.

Wow... and I've just been swearing at racists on the internet. =(

If you want to change the GOP, have people abandon it in droves, and be very vocal about why. I think the party has just about hit rock bottom - between the clown show primary, and dismal election showings, they are getting the message. Believe me, another election or two like this and it will come right around.

Alright, I'll play. The positions of a party and its constituents is complex, and goes both ways. Obviously, I don't think 100% of all republicans are actively trying to fuck me over - but they are supporting policies that would do exactly that. Regardless of what they personally believe, they are supporting a party

I get the sentiment, but no. The party that wants to force my legally married gay sister to have a divorce? That wants to increase my taxes while giving a handjob to the rich? That is jeopardizing my son's future by refusing to acknowledge climate change? Not so much "in it" with me as actively trying to fuck me over.

Dear racists: fuck you, you racist pieces of shit. I am no longer going to try to educate or engage with you. I hope you get skin cancer. I hope your bus gets blown up on the way to the GOP potluck. Oh, and get the fuck off our Jezebel.

The printing press and movable type were also invented by the Chinese, just as a btw. That slimy Guttenburg just stole all the credit.

Why don't you just buy one decent camera instead of endless shitty ones?


I mean, you do what you want. But pot has been used for thousands of years to control morning sickness, and studies have shown no ill effect on the baby. When my ex-wife was pregnant, she had morning sickness for all three trimesters. I mean, real bad. A hit or two of vapor, and she could eat, hold down food, get out

Give her pot.

Why stop at liters and hours? My invention gets you twelve pounds of electricity from a mere three dollops. Add more power and you can get 12,000 moments of electricity from a single electric nibble.