
I think you might be romanticizing the other seasons of Rick and Morty a bit. Sometimes Rick and Morty is crazy with a point, and sometimes it’s just crazy. (I’ve noticed it’s often when President Curtis gets involved.) Where was the deeper, underlying meaning in Lawnmower Dog, or Get Schwifty? The show likes to

*David Letterman voice*

This entire post is in incredibly poor taste. Then again we completely dismantled another country for 20 years and are now abandoning them in a way that will undoubtedly lead to a civil war, so *shrug*


I am so glad this show is back.
I am gonna miss Luca though..

I love how the article tries to insinuate that it was terrible that she took a week to respond to this manufactured controversy. Y’all ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

Never let facts get in the way of a good outrage article. 

Yeah, I didn’t find it a cheap twist at all, they’d been planting the seeds for a while and a lot of the general predictions about it included Ryan as a probable suspect.

I went a little cynical into watching the trailer and god damn did I still get a little teary eyed. Sometimes nostalgia is just nice.

Neither because I’ve never played Mass Effect.

She has everything. Twitch, Instagram, OnlyFans. Look her up, she knows what brings her money and is not afraid of walking the grey area. Twitch is just the “storefront”

she does have an onlyfans, and the twitch is partially an advertisement for her.

Gunn was probably influential in Bautista joining Army of The Dead, as Snyder’s previous zombie movie was written by Gunn (the zombie baby in DOTD was classic Troma-era Gunn).

They could probably just end the show.  I think everyone would be fine with that.

Yeah, this does appear to be an article in search of a problem... 

Wow, so original *eyeroll*

Women in bikinis in hot tubs at a public pool don’t generally solicit ‘donations’ from gawkers passing by.

I’m only exaggerating a little when I say that giving in to those morons may be the second biggest mistake America ever made.

There are like 4 sketch ideas here done over and over and over again.