This website will take any situation and find a way to complain about jojo Rabbit.
This website will take any situation and find a way to complain about jojo Rabbit.
how many damm articles does this site have to make trashing this movie. It is almost like you fucking hate that people seem to enjoy this movie. Holy shit, let it fucking go.
Tokyo Drift is a masterpiece every movie since has built off. If you didn’t like that movie, none of them have anything for you.
132,300, or in other words 10 collectors edition copies of random games from Ubisoft.
I learned 2 things. I can’t seem to block someone in the comments, and people fall for this guys troll bait fairly easily.
the reality is, plenty of people probably think the stuff you like is also trash.
Let someone find the game they like and relax.
you sound bitter
I love the fact, most streaming services just dump a new show on to let people watch as they please. You want to wait a week to see how something goes. good for you. enjoy it. I am going to binge it all at once. Options are great.
It isn’t trying to go anywhere most of the time. What you call farting around, is just the show having a stand alone episode. You may not enjoy that (which is fine) , and a lot of TV today doesn’t do as much single episode stuff, so I get it, but it doesn’t mean it is bad.
I think the real challenge people are having is this show had a lot of stand alone episode and its not trying to be some linked story. Sure baby yoda is the overall “thing” of the season, but many episodes were meant to be stand alone.
That is ok. I LOVE that most shows have long story arcs and every episode of some…
With a million games out, who has time to replay a RPG.
Someone doesn’t like what I like. Therefore I’m going to give zero shits and move one. Just this once though!
i hope you don’t decide something is bad based on a review from this website.
the no helmet off rule is fine for Judge Dredd, but would be probably dumb for this show
This is a show I have been happy to watch the entire Run. I didn’t get into the show until around season 5, so I was able to binge the early seasons, and then continue on with it live since then. It has had some ups and down, but this show has been enjoyable for the full run. the meta humor in this show is great, for…
I was counting the minutes until this type of article popped up. Sure the Crit Fl4K build was discovered first, and Moze has an EXPLOSION!!!, but I will bet you 1 million tacos of your choice, that there are valid end game options for Zane that are out there with the right weapon/skill combos.
CounterPoint: - No
I feel like this article was created to personally troll me.
It is about the weirdest thing I read in a while as well.