
Cool kids telling people not to watch TV and do something else. How brave of you. Suggest a few hobbies, I probably don’t like them, but I’ll do you the favor of not telling you not to do them. This article is more absurd then anything Trump said this week, and that takes effort.

i bought it all on amazon and don’t regret it. WAY more highs then lows.

Why do people steal? because they can. I really wish their was a better watch to catch these thieves and punish them.

Who cares? So a person can pay money for gear. Will this ruin YOUR experience. Not at all. The only way this is an issue, if if the game is too difficult it would require gear to be bought this way. Which I doubt will be the case.

Quick Play is so toxic with goofy team comps. I enjoy competitive more for many reasons, but only allowing 1 of each character is very helpful. I still have bad teams, where players refuse to work together, but I find that happens a lot less in competitive play.

I would say at least 30% of my quick play game are